Company Profile
About Us
As directors of Rotex Multiparking found themselves in the mechanical car parking industry after discovering a gap in the Sri Lankan market in 2014 aligned with the rapid development of infrastructure countrywide. Whilst car stackers had been marketed and sold in Sri Lanka for some time, they felt they could offer an unprecedented level of service and design input with innovative world renowned products from Germany, Italy and Korea.
We have since spent considerable time and effort educating government authorities, architects, town planners and developers the benefits of using mechanical car parking systems, and have seen through some of the concerns held by such bodies. We compact parking space in order to minimize the area used by traditional car parks to be the future car parking in Sri Lanka.”
Rotex Multiparking’s Mission Statement
- To enhance Stakeholder prosperity through leadership in the marketing of car parking systems and other related products in Sri Lanka by achieving excellence in customer service, product quality and product innovation.
- To continue a commitment to employee carrier development and well-being; and
- To be an ethical and responsible member of the community and act in a manner conducive to the welfare and protection of the environment
Corporate Culture and Corporate Objectives
- To recognise, aim for, and encourage high ethical standards;.
- To encourage responsible and courteous relationships with Stakeholders and all who have contact with the company;
- To achieve profitability through good planning funded by adequate profit retention;
- To enhance Stakeholder prosperity;
- To provide adequately for employee well-being through a rewarding, safe and harmonious workplace;
- To satisfy the expectations of users of machinery through product quality, safety and innovation; and
- To protect Stakeholders in the company by implementing appropriate compliance, procedures, and corporate governance.
- Rotex Multiparking is a major supplier in the Sri Lanka market with an extensive knowledge of world renowned products;
- It was established in 2014 as a research company with the intension of having a market study over car parking requirement on high-rise buildings in Colombo;
- Historically, a knowledge based company, with objectives to provide the best and reliable products for all car parking users in Sri lanka;
- Rotex Multiparking is a brand that Sri lankans trust in terms of the dedicated service, consistency, experienced gathered through regular training in overseas and delivery mechanisms;
- The suppliers of our products have 15-20% market share in over 30 countries in the world;
- Rotex Multiparking’s Board consists of:
– Three Non-Executive Independent Directors of which are market business leaders; and the
– Managing Director
- Head Office is located in Colombo and we represent all suburbs countrywide.
- Rotex Multiparking was founded by Earnie Fernando with the experience gathered while working in Australia for over 5 years at two major suppliers in the world;
- As directors of Rotex Multiparking found themselves in the mechanical car parking industry after discovering a gap in the Sri Lankan market in 2014 aligned with the rapid development of infrastructure countrywide;
- Whilst car stackers had been marketed and sold in Sri Lanka for some time, we felt we could offer an unprecedented level of service and design input with innovative world-renowned products from Europe and South Korea;
- We have since spent a considerable time and effort educating Government Authorities, Architects, Town Planners and Developers the benefits of using mechanical car parking systems, and have seen through some of the concerns held by such bodies;
Our Goal
We compact parking spaces in order to minimise the area used by traditional car parks to be the future of car parking in Sri Lanka.